Fingers on the Keyboard

Fingers on the Keyboard

The holiday season has always been void of a regular writing routine for me. I’ve come to adjust my expectations to align with the hiatus rather than beat myself up over it, an emotional tug-of-war I struggled with for too long.

Sure, I use a computer everyday for just about everything except advancing my current writing projects, but the touch of my fingers on the keyboard is different. It’s a fast-paced check-list of getting things done for our family, essential for our sane survival through a school break of two and a half weeks.

Today, I sit at my computer with a single focus, feeling the Cirdacian Rhythm of my fingers begin to settle into their comfortable positions, each row of the keyboard a fluid motion. I am grateful and at peace with the quiet that surrounds me for a few moments of uninterrupted thoughts. A new season is beginning, I can feel it.